
About Us

Sally Porkchop 3 months old

This is our girl, our English Bulldog, Sally Porkchop. At the time we are creating this blog she is almost 20 months old now, getting closer to two years with each month. "Puppy"ness will end. 

Ever since we brought her home on August 5, 2012 I've been meaning to create a memorable scrapbook that my sister even gave me all of the supplies to make. But somehow that type of memory capturing doesn't seem as efficient since I've become a foodblogger. Several years ago we created a foodblog to help document and share our great meals and recipes so we could always go back to them.

I've finally decided that's how we can capture our Sally's life too through a blog that we can always visit to enjoy her days. 
We are not bulldog or even dog experts for that matter just a couple with our dog child enjoying a great life together. 

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